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Epic Appeals 2021 Ruling in App Store Fight

While the U.S. Senate tries to undo the App Store business model in D.C. and David Heinemeier-Hansson tries it in Illinois, Epic Games is still trying it in California. 9 to 5 Mac says the company has officially filed an appeal with the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. This was the big Apple/Epic-Fortnite fight of 2020 and 2021. The piece says the ruling Epic’s appealing: 

…required that Apple adjust its App Store guidelines to allow developers to link out to third-party payment options. Judge [Yvonne Gonzalez] Rogers, however, ruled that Apple did not hold a monopoly on the market in question.

Isn’t it nice when neither side is pleased? Actually, Apple called her ruling a “huge win” and a “resounding victory.” They’re still planning to appeal, though. Now, Epic’s started the ball rolling. The company’s asking the Ninth Circuit to overturn Judge Rogers’ ruling. 9 to 5 Mac has Epic arguing that she “erred” in deciding that “the App Store and its guidelines do not violate antitrust laws…” Epic’s filing says:

If not reversed, this decision would upend established principles of antitrust law and, as the district court itself recognized, undermine sound antitrust policy…

The piece cites a report from Bloomberg, that says Epic wants the Court of Appeals to:

…send the case back to U.S. District Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers in Oakland, California, with instructions on how to address issues raised in its antitrust suit.

No word on a timeframe for the appeal.

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