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Foxconn Sees Good First Half of ’22, More Challenges and Opportunities Ahead

Signs of a couple of good quarters for Apple, with a hint of uncertainty to follow. Nikkei ran a piece Sunday with comments from current and former Foxconn leads. At least where Apple is concerned, the world is already expecting a good December-quarter. Now, Apple’s largest manufacturing partner says they’re running full steam ahead through the March-quarter, barely letting the regional new year slow it down. Nikkei has Foxconn Chairman Young Liu saying:

The Lunar New Year is a time for family reunions. But as our performance in the first quarter is likely to outperform [typical years], we will only have two days of holidays at several important facilities… This is a very prosperous situation that we have never seen before.

Humanity side aside, that’s good news. As for the uncertainty, Young Liu went on to say:

We think there will be even more challenges for 2022. However, that will also bring opportunities that we have not seen for decades.

Nikkei had Foxconn founder and former chairman Terry Gou echoing Liu's thinking on the year ahead. The piece says he agreed with the current chairman’s assessment, “that 2022 will still be a year of both ‘turmoil’ and opportunities.”

The next two big trends in Foxconn’s estimation, by the way: electric vehicles and the metaverse.

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