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Apple Encourages Shareholder Votes Ahead of March Meeting

Apple’s socially distanced shareholder meeting is about a month away, and Apple would like shareholders to fall in line. Apple Insider says the Cupertino-company is asking shareholders en masse to vote “no” on a few shareholder proposals. According to the piece, the board recommends voting no on:

A motion “that Apple amend its articles of incorporation to become a Social Purpose corporation.”

“…a shareholder transparency proposal asking for clearer explanations of app removals from the App Store in response to government requests.” 

“…the creation of a report detailing how Apple protects workers in its supply chain.”

“…a proposal to create a pay equity report…”

“…a proposal requesting a civil rights and diversity audit of Apple…” 

“…and a proposal seeking the preparation of a report on concealment clauses,” which make it difficult to discuss workplace conditions.

It’s not “no, no, no” all the time, though. The piece says it would be cool with Apple if shareholders would green-light the nominated board of directors. It would also be swell if they’d go ahead and approve the nomination of Ernst & Young “as Apple's independent registered accounting firm.”

The meeting is set for one month from tomorrow - Friday 4 March at 9 a.m. Pacific. Shareholders have until the night before - Thursday 3 March at 8:59 p.m. Pacific to cast their votes.

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