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Report: Pegatron to Start iPhone 12 Production in India

Report: Pegatron to Start iPhone 12 Production in India

18 MARCH 2022 - Apple seems to be getting more serious about making iPhones in India. Earlier this week we heard that the troubled Foxconn factory in Chennai will start producing iPhone 13 next month. Now, a piece from India’s Economic Times says Pegatron is set to start producing iPhone 12 on the subcontinent, soon. That’ll be followed by iPhone 13 - at least it will if secret people said to know something about something know anything. Economic Times gets this intel from an unnamed someone said to be “directly aware of the matter…” Apple did not respond to the site’s request for comment. 

Reports earlier this week indicated that the iPhone 13s slated to come from Foxconn’s Chennai facility would be for both India’s domestic consumption as well as export to other regions. That seems to be the supposition around the Pegatron move as well. While a lot of the Economic Times report is focused on the growing appetite for iPhone in India, the piece has Navkender Singh, research director at IDC, indicating that such moves could be a way for Apple to not have so much of its iPhone manufacturing in the one basket that is China. However, in his opinion, “India needs to do more in areas like labour laws, scale of operations permitted, etc., for the long-term positioning as a serious alternative to China…”

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