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Apple Corporate Starts Return to In-Person Work

Apple Corporate Starts Return to In-Person Work

12 APRIL 2022 - Apple employees have been called back to the Cupertino campus. Campuses? Campi? Anyway, they’ve started going back to the office. 9 to 5 Mac says, “Apple employees have officially started returning to in-person after working remotely since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020.”  

The company has planned a slow roll back into still not normal. Starting yesterday, Monday 11 April, corporate workers need to be back in one day per week. Staring Monday 2 May that creeps up to two days per week. “Then,” the piece says:

…starting on [Monday 23 May], employees will need to be in the office three days per week. This is the start of Apple’s so-called “hybrid” work plan. Apple has not revealed how long it will have this hybrid work plan in place, but Tim Cook has described it as a “pilot.” This implies that it could change sometime, and the company could eventually require employees to return to full-time in person.

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