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Apple Releases Security-Focused Safari 15.6.1 for Big Sur and Catalina

Apple Releases Security-Focused Safari 15.6.1 for Big Sur and Catalina

19 AUGUST 2022 - I kind of saw this coming, though I wish we’d seen it sooner. I told you yesterday that Apple had patched a couple of serious vulnerabilities dealing with the Kernel and WebKit. They were serious for a couple of reasons - first, if exploited, they could allow bad guys or gals to completely take over a device. The second reason makes it more serious. In its security notes Apple said that it had heard word that the vulnerabilities were being actively exploited.

In an attempt to clamp down, Apple released updated versions of iOS, iPadOS, and macOS. I talked about the issue a little more in-depth on this weeks’ edition of “The Checklist by SecureMac.” It was there I noted that Apple had not released updates addressing the vulnerabilities for macOS Big Sur and macOS Catalina. I wish we’d seen this sooner - a piece from MacRumors on Thursday said that Apple had released Safari 15.6.1 for those previous Mac operating systems. It addresses the WebKit vulnerability, which makes sense what with Safari being a web browser.

Checked “The Checklist” Lately?

If you’ll allow me, it’s been a while since I’ve mentioned “The Checklist by SecureMac” here. This week’s show was fun. In addition to the mid-week updates, the show also hit a truly stupid seeming luggage thief and an alert about the Emergency Alert system. Took me back to my radio days. The episode is Checklist 292 - This is (Probably) a Test - You should be able to find it on the Checklist site. It’s definitely available on Apple Podcasts. And hey! Try other podcast apps as well. Why not?

Commercial Times: Apple to Get 3nm Chips from TSMC This Year

Commercial Times: Apple to Get 3nm Chips from TSMC This Year

UK’s EE Adds Apple One to Revamped “Full Works for iPhone” Plan

UK’s EE Adds Apple One to Revamped “Full Works for iPhone” Plan