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Apple Says It Botched Handling of Sexual Misconduct Claims

Apple Says It Botched Handling of Sexual Misconduct Claims

05 AUGUST 2022 - The Financial Times ran an absolutely brutal piece on Apple on Thursday. After talking to “More than a dozen employees past and present,” the story is one of “Apple’s HR team [putting] the company’s reputation ahead of worker welfare.” It’s about “women calling out Apple’s handling of misconduct claims.”

All of that’s in the first couple of lines of the story. I did read a lot more of it, and - assuming it’s true, it’s terrible. And there’s no reason to think it’s not true. Especially because, buried about a third of the way into the story, the piece says:

In response to the FT’s findings, Apple said in a statement it works hard to thoroughly investigate all misconduct allegations, and that it strives to create “an environment where employees feel comfortable reporting any issues”. 

The company acknowledged it had not always met those ambitions. “There are some accounts raised that do not reflect our intentions or our policies and we should have handled them differently, including certain exchanges reported in this story,” Apple said. “As a result, we will make changes to our training and processes.”

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