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Apple Testing Automatic Billing for Higher Priced Subscriptions

Apple Testing Automatic Billing for Higher Priced Subscriptions

06 APRIL 2022 - News of an App Store test that’ll probably leave developers pleased and subscribers PO’d. 9 to 5 Mac highlights a TechCrunch report that says Apple is piloting tests to let developers “automatically charge users for subscription price increases.” According to the piece:

...Apple’s official developer documentation “states this is not how App Store subscriptions should work. The documentation explains that customers have to manually agree to new prices through the price consent sheet that automatically displays in the developer’s app.”

Maybe the most amazing part of this story - TechCrunch got a response on the news from Apple. An Apple spokesperson told the site:

We are piloting a new commerce feature we plan to launch very soon. The pilot includes developers across various app categories, organization sizes, and regions to help test an upcoming enhancement that we believe will be great for both developers and users, and we’ll have more details to share in the coming weeks…

Looking forward to bringing you news of the class action lawsuits filed six-months to a year after this goes live, assuming it actually goes live.

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