Big thoughts for tonight’s Mac OS Ken: Live - 10pm EDT/7pm PDT/3am BST on - thoughts too big to squeeze into 140 characters or less. Pick and choose friends, then call in. Leftover cake to be served.
Jobs is my Co-Pilot
A few weeks ago this story popped about a BBC documentary, which reportedly showed brain activity associated with “superbrand” Apple that was basically the same as brain activity associated with religious fervor. I know I talk about the “Jesus Phone” and the “Second Coming of Telephony,” and I refer to die-hard Apple fans as “The Apple Faithful,” but I don’t know how seriously I actually take such talk. There’s a lot in this article (sent to me by listener Michael) with which I disagree. And yet parts of it have me wondering: How seriously do you take the idea of Apple as religion? Is There a Cupertino “Brain Drain?” Dan Lyons - formerly Fake Steve Jobs (and maybe Fake Steve Jobs again if/when Jobs comes back from medical leave) wrote a story for The Daily Beats called “Apple's Brain Drain: What Ron Johnson's Departure Says About Steve Jobs,” wherein he asks whether there is a brain drain going on at Apple (this despite the headline seeming to indicate that there is). The first two can be argued away fairly easily, but what of the Herbold departure? Let us discuss. “Apes Will Rise,” But Will They Shine? How excited are you about the “Rise of the Planet of the Apes.” The movie, that is, not any actual rise of which I’m aware. See this trailer and believe along with me that movies about apes rising will rise!