Nielsen: Streaming Customers Happily Overwhelmed with Content
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
07 APRIL 2022 - Remember Mr. Creosote? He was the more than morbidly obese individual in Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life who ate some much he literally exploded. Apparently, that’s us with over-the-top video streaming services.
Apple Insider has word of a new survey from the analytics firm Nielsen. According to their “State of Play” report, 46% of survey respondents who use streaming video services “feel overwhelmed by the amount of programming available,” and have no plans to get rid of any of it. How could they feel overwhelmed? Well, the piece says:
Nielsen says that there are 817,000 unique programs across various streaming services, including TV series, movies, specials, and more. That's a 26.5% increase of nearly 171,000 titles since the end of 2019.
And yet, Apple Insider says the survey indicates that:
…72% of Americans say that they love their user experience with video streaming services. A majority — 93% — said they either plan to expand the services they use or make no changes to their existing subscriptions.
What they would like is a better way to manage it. “With the amount of choices,” the piece says, “users want an option that makes finding and viewing content from different services easier.” Just over two-thirds of respondents say they’d be cool paying for a bundle service that would do that, as long as they could pick what goes in the bundle.
That gives me an idea for a startup. All sorts of content that you could choose to watch - or not - all in one package. I’ll call it “Cablé.”
I know what you’re thinking. And you’re right. And I don’t care. I’m still gonna make a mint.