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Nikkei Asia: iPad Production in China Back in Full Swing

Nikkei Asia: iPad Production in China Back in Full Swing

30 AUGUST 2022 - I caught a couple of headlines around iPad production on Monday that left me scratching my head. You may remember reports from a couple of weeks ago that had iPad production grinding to a halt in China’s Sichuan province. The government there shut down all manufacturing as temperatures soared over 105-degrees Fahrenheit, and power for air conditioning for citizens was prioritized over power for factories. That was supposed to stretch until 20 August, though the shut-offs went longer than that.

At least some factories are back up and running now, and the conditions under which they reopened lead to the confusing headlines. One from Apple Insider said, “Foxconn reopens iPad plant with priority power grant from China,” while another from 9 to 5 Mac said, “Apple supplier Foxconn, Toyota restart Sichuan plants as heat wave eases.”

The funny thing is, they were both working from the same source: A piece from Nikkei Asia. That piece says… both: That the heatwave has broken and that:

Authorities appear to be supplying Foxconn, also known as Hon Hai Precision Industry, with power on a priority basis, taking into consideration the economic impact on the region.

According to the report:

The Chengdu plant of Foxconn, which assembles iPads for Apple, began to operate at normal capacity again on Thursday [25 August], a person close to the factory confirmed.

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