Registration Opens for In-Store Apple Camp 2022
Image via Apple
16 JUNE 2022 - If the summertime boredom of children is already on your last nerve, Apple Camp is open once again. Or will be starting next week.
Apple Insider says the Cupertino-company’s “annual summer educational program designed for families with young children” is back to in-person for 2022. This after two-years of remote camping due to COVID-19. “As with past Apple Camp programs,” the piece says:
…the 2022 edition will see families use products like the iPad Pro and Apple Pencil to snap images, add drawings, and ornament their creations to design their own personalized stories.
The two-hour courses for families with kids between 8 and 12-years-old will see campers participate in a program called “Art Lab: Comic Book Adventure With Your Family.” Registration opened Wednesday and, at least in my area, filled up Wednesday as well.
For folks already iced out of in-person classes or who just want something to do on the home front, the company has also made an at-home version of its Camp Filed Guide available as a downloadable Keynote file. That’s got activities covering several areas of interest, including photos, music, art + design, and coding.