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Some Bash Week One of “Friday Night Baseball” on Apple TV

Some Bash Week One of “Friday Night Baseball” on Apple TV

11 APRIL 2022 - To say that Apple’s first night of “Friday Night Baseball” went off without a hitch would not be totally true. I dipped in for a few minutes and had no trouble. But I’m just one guy who already had an Apple TV. A report I saw someplace, and sorry - I’ve lost track of it… But a report I saw someplace had people complaining about getting the app installed around game time. No offense, but that’s a bit like opening an Xbox for the first time on Christmas morning and expecting to be able to play right away. 

A report from iMore had the site DownDetector noting a slew of outage reports during the first game of Friday’s double header. A piece from Apple Insider indicates that some people liked the clean, simplistic graphics Apple used, while others complained they were too simplistic. And a decent amount of scorn seems to have been served to the broadcast teams. I honestly didn’t watch long enough to have an opinion on them, though I will say - I wonder if Apple’s making a mistake switching up broadcast teams every week. I have known and known of broadcasters in the past that people started off hating and ended up loving once they got to know them and got used to them. Wouldn’t it be great to give people time to gel with the teams broadcasting the games the same way they have the teams playing them.

Just a thought. Week two of “Friday Night Baseball” is this Friday 15 April. Game one will have the Tampa Bay Rays visiting the White Sox of Chicago. Game two will see the Cincinnati Reds visiting the LA Dodgers.

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