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Wedbush Analyst Expects Price Bump for iPhone 14

Wedbush Analyst Expects Price Bump for iPhone 14

11 JULY 2022 - Expect higher prices for iPhone 14 - that’s the word from Wedbush analyst Daniel Ives. The Apple bull spoke to the UK paper The Sun, saying he and his “believe a $100 price increase is coming” for Apple’s next communicator. According to the analyst, "Prices have been increasing across the whole supply chain, and Cupertino needs to pass these costs to the consumer on this release.”

Boy, “needs” is a funny word, huh?

Ives has an “Outperform” rating on Apple shares. His price target on the shares is $200.

Not everyone agrees with Ives. CSS Insight analyst Ben Wood gets why Apple might raise iPhone prices, noting that “production and component costs continue to rise for all consumer electronics makers.” That said, he tells The Sun that “given the cost of living head-winds,” the Cupertino-company “may decide that increasing prices could be counterproductive.”

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