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Apple and Koss Settle Patent Suit

Apple and Koss Settle Patent Suit

Image via Koss

26 JULY 2022 - A seemingly forgotten Apple lawsuit has been settled. 9 to 5 Mac says the Cupertino-company and headphone-maker Koss have buried the legal hatchet.

Koss filed suit against Apple a couple of years ago. It argued that Apple’s AirPods and some Beats headphones infringed patents it held for wireless headphones. According to the complain:

Koss developed prototype in-ear headphones that relied on its chip development efforts, with working prototypes from the mid-2000s looking very much like commonly-known consumer products that flood the market a decade-and-a-half later.

The two companies were supposed to go to trial yesterday, though they’ve reached some sort of settlement. While attorneys from the companies did not respond to 9 to 5 Mac’s request for comment, one assumes the settlement involved Apple hitting Koss with a few bucks. Koss had been seeking “royalties from sales of AirPods and wireless Beats headphones,” according to the report.

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