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Apple and WiLAN Settle Outstanding Patent Dispute

Apple and WiLAN Settle Outstanding Patent Dispute

23 MARCH 2022 - Apple has settled a suit with a patent troll. I’m sorry - with a “patent monetization” firm. Engadget say the Cupertino-company and Canada’s WiLAN have inked a licensing deal. Set the wayback machine for 2014 - that is when WiLAN sued Apple “over two patents WiLAN claimed covered voice over LTE technologies featured in a variety of iPhone models at the time.” Now, Engadget says:

…the two companies have settled all court cases that were ongoing between them in the US, Canada and Germany related to a series of wireless technology patents. The terms of the agreement were not disclosed.

Maybe one of them was, “go away forever.” Referring to the “patent monetization” firm as “something of a notorious patent troll,” the piece points out that WiLAN sued Apple a few times in the past. Given the embarrassment of riches on which Apple sits, Engadget seems to think that WiLAN will be back.

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