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Apple TV No Longer Sells or Rents Through Android TV and Google TV

Apple TV No Longer Sells or Rents Through Android TV and Google TV

23 MARCH 2022 - It looks like another little rift has opened between Apple and Google. Cult of Mac says, as of now, “It’s no longer possible to purchase or rent new content through the Apple TV app on Android TV and Google TV.” This after less than a year of availability on the platforms. The piece has Daring Fireball's John Gruber saying the two companies couldn’t come to terms on continuing sales. Gruber says he’s heard from:

…sources familiar with the matter, that this is entirely about Apple and Google not being able to reach mutually agreeable terms on in-app payment commissions… 

Until this update, Apple had been running on an exemption not to use Google’s IAP. The exemption expired, so Apple TV on Android TV is now ‘reader only’.

That means content bought or rented through Apple TV will play through the Google platforms. They just can’t be purchased there. Gruber says Apple doesn’t really like selling through Google anyway since to do so means paying a commission, which is kind of hilarious. Instead of the ability to buy in the Apple TV app, Cult of Mac says Apple has added a “How to Watch” button. The piece says that button tells users how to “buy content on another device to watch on Android TV or Google TV.” That is also hilarious. Cult of Mac sees that as hypocritical on Apple’s part, since such behavior is against the rules of Apple’s own App Store. Of course, they’re not in the App Store. Those rules don’t apply.

I think it’s hilarious.

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