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Counterpoint: Apple Watch Still Tops in Growing Smartwatch Space

Counterpoint: Apple Watch Still Tops in Growing Smartwatch Space

02 JUNE 2022 - Apple’s still tops in smartwatches - even more so than last year, according to new numbers from Counterpoint Research. For the March-quarter, smartwatch shipments across the board grew 13% versus the same quarter a year earlier. That growth came primarily from three manufacturers - fourth-place Xiaomi which grew its smartwatch shipments by 69%, second-place Samsung which grew its shipments by 46%, and first-place Apple which grew its shipments by 14%.

While that growth may not sound as good for Apple as for the others, one should bear in mind how huge the share for Apple Watch was. Growing a little was still growing a lot, according to Counterpoint Associate Director Sujeong Lim. According to the director:

Apple accounted for more than a third of the total shipments last year, and it is further increasing its influence with a market share of 36% in the first quarter of this year. The high brand loyalty of iPhone users is one of the success factors of the Apple Watch. This popularity appears to be higher among the younger generation, making Apple an irreplaceable market leader.

The analyst says Counterpoint believes that the market share for Apple Watch “is likely to rise further by the end of this year.”

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