CWA Joins Fight to Unionize Apple Grand Central
Apple Grand Central - Image via Apple
10 JUNE 2022 - Fruit Stand Workers United (FSWU) has a new helper in the union push. Apple Insider says Communications Workers of America (CWA) has joined workers at Apple Grand Central in NYC to assist in their unionization efforts. Fruit Stand had been working with Workers United, the group assisting various Starbucks stores in their unionization efforts. The piece has Chris Shelton, President of CWA, saying in a statement:
Starbucks workers who have been organizing - and winning - union representation across the country with Workers United's support have inspired retail workers at Apple, Verizon Wireless, and many other companies… We appreciate the confidence that the Fruit Stand Workers United organizing committee has in our plan to build worker power at Apple.
It’s an interesting move. CWA is also assisting Apple Cumberland Mall - the Atlanta store that had been seeking a union vote. Originally meant to go off last week, that vote was postponed, with on future vote yet set.
Back to New York, where Apple Insider has one of the Fruit Stand organizers saying:
Through Workers United, we have learned what we can expect from Littler, and we are prepared… By joining forces with CWA, we intend to participate with countless other stores to achieve workers' rights across Apple Retail in the U.S. and we believe we will succeed.
The “Littler” referred to is Littler Mendelson. That’s the law firm (or union busting law firm, depending who you ask) hired by Starbucks to stop its stores from forming unions.