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iPhone SE Does Okay Being Dropped on Its Face

iPhone SE Does Okay Being Dropped on Its Face

Image via Apple

22 MARCH 2022 - iPhone SE fares fairly well in drop tests, though a case is still recommended. That’s the word from Allstate Protection Plans, by way of iMore. Allstate Protection Plans does what it sounds like - offers coverage for gadgets and gizmos. That gives them an interest in how durable such devices are. 

By Allstate’s account, the side of iPhone SE you talk into, or - really - stare into, is pretty solid. Dropped from a height of six-feet onto its face, iMore says the phone “only suffered minor scrapes…” Drop it on its back though, and it’s a different story. Allstate Protection VP Jason Siciliano sings the phone’s praises and sounds the alarm. Quoting the VP:

With the 3rd generation iPhone SE, Apple has created a truly durable phone that doesn't break the bank. It survived one drop from six feet on its front and side, which is impressive. While it didn't survive a back-down drop from six feet, putting it in a case should help… While its $429 price point makes the new iPhone SE a more affordable option, it can cost up to $299 to repair. 

To limit financial risk, Siciliano suggests a case, a screen protector, and - this will come as a shock - a protection plan. I wonder if he has any to recommend… 

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